Age of Child | Morning Session | Afternoon Session | Full Day | Full Week |
3 to 5 Years | £42.56 | £36.00 | £66.50 | £315.88 |
2 to 3 Years | £44.13 | £37.43 | £68.00 | £323.00 |
Babies to 2 Years | £45.70 | £38.85 | £69.50 | £330.13 |
Full time Place 5% discount
We would always recommend that you view the nursery before making your final decision to place your child with us. Following your visit to Hoodles Childcare the process of enrolment is as follows: we will check our occupancy to ensure the days or sessions you require are available.
If your required sessions are available we will issue you with the Enrolment Form, Consent Form and all About Me Form for you to complete with your child’s personal information. If your required days or sessions are unavailable you can elect to place your child on our Waiting List.
Our Waiting List operates on a ‘first come, first served’ basis however priority is given to children who currently have siblings attending Hoodles Childcare. A deposit of £150 (full time) or £75 (part time) is required to reserve a place at Hoodles Childcare. This amount will be deducted from your first month’s invoice. Upon receipt of the above forms and deposit, we will confirm your nursery place with you, in writing. You will be invoiced monthly in advance. We accept payment by Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, DirectDebit, Employers Childcare Vouchers and/or Tax Free Childcare.
Childcare Tax Credits
You may be able to apply for Tax Credits to help with your childcare costs.
To find out if you are eligible contact:
Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900 or visit:
www.direct.gov.uk/taxcredits or www.taxcredits.hmrc.gov.uk
Pre-school Funding

Funding is available towards your child’s pre-school education from Aberdeenshire Council.
The funding is available to all children after their 3rd birthday and is not means tested. Your child will become eligible for this funding from the school term following their third birthday in August, January or April. From August 2019, you can claim up to 1140 funded hours per year. Your child may attend nursery for more than 1140 hours, however you can only claim a maximum of 1140 funded hours per year.
Should you require any further information about funded hours, please feel welcome to discuss this with the nursery manager.